corporate brands strategic communication & crisis response

Our clients have constant and very public risk factors.

Corporations have unique, multi-front risk factors. Corporate stewards have to be ever vigilant to outside attacks, external extortion, corporate espionage, boycotts and cancelling campaigns, publicity/advertising/social media missteps, even historical behavior that is now viewed negatively through modern lenses.

Corporate stewards also have to worry about internal issues, including the behaviors (even seemingly private behavior) of employees and executives, internal extortion campaigns, whistleblowers, and a minefield of social issues surrounding gender, race, sexuality, politics, religion, physical and mental abilities, abuse of power, and equality.

Corporations need a detailed, robust, and comprehensive crisis plan, to cover a multiple of potential crises, before a crises occurs. Brands can be destroyed while their internal PR department struggles to figure out how respond. Corporations also need to have a rapid response team in place when a crisis occurs either for the brand or for a key executive, for which a crisis plan doesn’t exist. Additionally, corporations can elevate their own brand, when they can step into a vacuum left when a competitor missteps.

Our clients are both prepared for crises before they happen and have the added reassurance of a 24-hour rapid response team, available to handle any crisis, and the opportunities that arise for competitor’s crises, globally.

Our clients need accurate information.

Success is the result of a well thought out and properly executed strategy. That strategy is built on knowledge. Our research team is comprised of former agents, investigators, and digital information techs who have the skills and technology to find and analyze financial, back ground, social media, and other information, key to our client’s knowledge and ultimate success. Whether our client needs accurate information on risks associated with a potential key executive hire, a deep dive on an adversary, or research for potential legal action, we can provide our clients with unparalleled access to information and an accurate, actionable assessment.

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our approach

Corporations have a myriad “danger points” both internal and external that need to be recognized and addressed. Whether a corporation needs a complete risk assessment and analysis followed by an in-depth crisis strategy or an evaluation of their current strategy, we provide clients with actual informed assessments, not guidance based on models and industry generalities.

Clients contemplating hiring or promoting executives and key staff, creating partnerships, or working with venders are vulnerable to being negatively affected by their past or current bad behavior. We evaluate the background and internet activity of targets to help ensure that clients aren’t publicly blindsided.

For companies facing boycotting, canceling, extortion, whistleblower action, or are involved in legal action, our combination of crisis strategy and in-depth information is invaluable.

Our approach is to assess the entire situation, research the key players, analyze the options, evaluate the risks, provide guidance, and then execute the strategy to either prepare clients for a potential (or imminent) storm or to move a client through an existing storm as quickly and painlessly as possible.