
Merrell Strategy Extends Remote Working Option

New York, NY – December 8, 2022 - Orndee PR Remote Working Policy Extends Under Merrell Strategy

During the pandemic, Orndee PR, like most firms, moved to a remote working model. As NYC started to reopen, Orndee initiated a hybrid program allowing staff to choose from a full remote, full office, and flex office option. These hybrid programs have been extremely successful.

Orndee is rebranding February 1, 2023 to Merrell Strategy and will continue the remote working options for all salaried staff, for the foreseeable future. This will extend to new, full-time hires. Merrell Strategy is also opening a second physical office in the first quarter of 2023, giving staff additional options. “Creating a work life/personal life balance is of paramount importance at Merrell Strategy and we look forward to expanding options that support of staff and enrich the services that we can provide clients,” remarks Alexandrea Merrell, CEO of Merrell Strategy Inc.
