news archive
The Big Question: What Are a PR Pro’s Favorite News Sources?
We talk a lot about where we get our information—about where we learn—here at Spin Sucks. Books we read, podcasts we listen to, events we attend. But what about how we get our daily local, national, and world news?
13 Tips & Resources for Coming Up With Great Boutique Names
Your boutique name is your first chance at capturing your potential customer’s attention, so it’s important that coming up with one is a primary objective and not just an afterthought — but coming up with a stand out name can prove to be a challenge.
How to Build a Brand Story: Lessons from Retail Branding Experts
Storytelling is a buzzworthy term these days. Although its overuse might make you think it’s nebulous, or even obsolete, term, it’s actually a powerful tool for retailers…
25 Memorable Real Estate Company Name Ideas & Examples
Real estate company names are critical to business success; they clearly define your brand, ensure your company is memorable, and convey a strong sense of your business culture. We compiled the best tips and examples from the pros…
5 Simple Tips for Your Small Business Facebook Page
Facebook gives businesses a platform to showcase new products and services, promote specials and provide customer service. But with these benefits comes the potential for mistakes that can damage your brand.